
Monday, May 16, 2016

Mark 9:14-29 The Power of Prayer

In today's Gospel Jesus teaches us three very important things:

1) Evil is real.

2) Prayer is important.

3) Prayer overcomes evil. 

Evil is not cut and dry.  It permeates everything, is sweet and seductive.  We are overcome with it in ways that we can't believe by the time that we notice we have fallen into its trap.  Prayer is the solution.  In prayer we place God before all things.  We praise and glorify God.  We ask to be protected by evil.

It is not easy to pray.  That is one of the tricks of evil, to make it difficult.  In those times what a Godsend that we have the Lord's Prayer and others to help us through those dry times where prayer doesn't come easily.  I have a friend who I think must struggle with prayer because every time he goes somewhere in the car, he prayers a Hail Mary.  Group prayers such as the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are another way to combat fatigue in prayer as well as to encourage and strengthen. 

Prayer overcomes evil.  Each of us are victim to that internal struggle of good versus evil.  God is helping us win.

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