
Saturday, June 11, 2016

Mt 5:33-37 Happy Feast of St. Barnabas

We are told of the Apostle Barnabas that he was given the name Barnabas when he have everything to the community in Jerusalem and followed Christ.  Barnabas comes from the Aramaic meaning "Son of the Prophet", but could have also meant, "Son of Consolation or Encouragement." 

In today's first reading St. Paul tells us that Barnabas went to Antioch and when arriving, he "say the grace of God" in the people and encouraged them to be steadfast in their faith to the Lord.  He encouraged them as he encourages us. It is because of his love and teaching this community that he was set apart by the Holy Spirit for special purpose. 

In today's Gospel we are encouraged to speak with a clear tongue and let our words be decisive, a yes to mean yes, and a no to mean no.  Barnabas stayed focused on what he mission and purpose was.  We are encouraged in today's Gospel to stay focused as well and not get clouded with  sophistry and pressures, but to remain simple and be direct in our wants, needs, advice and teachings of the Way.

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