
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mt 5:17-19 Teach me, O God!

I had an interesting experience with a man recently who assured me that I didn't need to follow what the Church teaches or understand fully who we receive in the Blessed Eucharist, as long as I believe in Jesus: that trough His Divine Mercy I shall be saved.    He apparently has been telling others who have no religious affiliation this same message and encouraging them to come to mass and receive the Eucharist.  It made me unsure of myself and wonder if the Church had changed part of what it teaches.  What to do in a situation like this?  I sought a priest.  It is what we ought to do in situations like this unless we are sure of ourselves. 

Today's readings, both the first reading, which is about Elijah showing the people that God is Lord of all; that the pagan god Baal was nothing; and the blessing of the stones representing  the people of the twelve tribes whom he called Israel as part of his altar in order to reconsecrate them to God, and the Gospel reading, we visualize very clearly how God choses particular anointed ones to speak to and lead the people to Truth. In the first reading it was Elijah, and in the Gospel it is Jesus.  We are not all prophets, and when we speak, we ought to be careful if we are instructing. 

Jesus said, "I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law..."  We must be careful when we teach and know what it is our Church teaches.  Our priests study so long to be good servants of God so they can serve us in this regard.  Our Deacon and catechists likewise are trained and continue their own educations in our shared faith order to teach it. 

It is good for all of us to read about our faith, to discern it, and share it.  Together we are the Body of Christ.  Together we teach each other and keep each other faithful.  May we always have the courage to seek out those who have been appointed when we have questions about our faith so that we may continue to grow and be challenged in it, growing ever closer to our Father.  Amen.

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