
Thursday, March 17, 2016

John 8: 51-59 Vocation to Follow into Life

Religious leaders are important to the faithful no matter what faith people are.  As Catholics we look toward the Pope, our Archbishops, Bishops and Priests.  What is the first step in being a religious leader?  It is the vocation, that calling forth by God the Father for this particular mission.  It emerges from deep introspection and discernment.  If that calling, that vocation isn’t there, then it is empty.  Many of us know people who thought they were called to the vocation of priesthood, but it was not meant to be.  Whereas we all know those whose vocations were solid and bear good fruit as our Priests and Bishops.  As Jesus said regarding them in their vocations as our religious leaders, and to us in the paths that God has lead us on, “It is not you who have chosen me, but I who have chosen you.” (Jn15:16)

In our first reading today we see clearly that God has called Abraham to be a father of all nations, to shepherd of his people, and to lead them in the path of righteousness as God’s chosen people.  As God tells Abraham, I will be “your God, and the God of your descendants after you...”  God so loves us and knows what is right for us, that he guides us into the right paths as a loving merciful Father. 

Similarly the in the Gospel today we run into the religious leaders, men called by God to lead the people,  discoursing with Jesus regarding Abraham; the leaders saying that Abraham, their father, was dead, but Jesus talking of eternal life.  The Jews do not believe what Jesus tells them.  They are convinced that life is finite, that “Abraham died, as did the prophets.” They ask Jesus if he is greater than Abraham and the prophets since he, Jesus, is telling them, “Whoever keeps my word will never taste death.”  They are filled with doubts and suspicion.  It is like something is missing from their spirituality.  Yet, here is the Good Shepherd, Our Lord, instructing and calling them and us in a Way that offers hope and life.

Pope Francis in a discussion on death reminds us, “God always gives life. He gives it to you here and he will give it to you in the next.  He is God of life, not of death…In our faith death is a consequence of human freedom.  We were by our own sins, those who opted for death, which entered into the world because we made room for disobedience to the plan of God.  Sin entered as pride before God’s plan and with it, death.” (On Heaven and Earth ch 10, p77; by Bergoglio and Skorka. Image/Random House 2013) At the same time God calls us to be closer to him and for this purpose sent his only Son for the salvation of humankind, that we might have life restored to us through him.  We are called to proclaim the wonders our God has done.  God the Father is fulfilling the covenant that he set with his people.  We are called to fulfill our covenant with him by following Christ in the Way, so that we might know the Truth when Jesus says, “Whoever keeps my word will never taste death.”  Christ Jesus was God for he tells us, “Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM.” 


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