
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Luke 18:9-14 Be Merciful to Me, a Sinner

In the news this week was article in the Wall Street Journal about Elizabeth Cabraser.  Who is she?  She is an attorney that was selected to lead a 22 lawyer committee to broker a resolution between Volkswagen and its many costumers because of the smog emissions scandal.  The article about Ms. Cabraser mentioned all the other attorneys vying for the same position as she by stating their merit or what their latest accomplishments are.  Ms. Cabraser, according to the paper's portrayal, remained humbled and instead of bragging about her own merit, showed concern for the customers that she would like to help.  That set her apart and earned her the praise of others as well as the lead role in the proceedings. 

Jesus today gives us a parable of the proud Pharisee and the humble tax collector.  The Pharisee isn't willing to humble himself, to make room in himself for God and others, so great is his pride.  In contrast the tax collector knows his wrongs and in his humility asks God to have mercy on him.  Only in humility can we find room to receive the graces we need for ourselves and others through Christ our Lord. 

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