
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 The Prodigal Son

Our catechism classes today reviewed the Ten Commandments.  As we looked at them we asked what they kids thought of them.  "Oh, they are so hard."  "It's hard to always tell the truth." "I don't always want to do what my mom and dad tell me." These were some of the refreshingly honest comments we heard from our youngest students.  This allowed a discussion about forgiveness to formulate, leading us directly into the parable of the Prodigal Son, which was part of today's Gospel reading. 

So many people focus on one of the two sons, but what about the father in the story?  He shows such love and compassion to his sons.  He seeks them both out and lets them know how much they are loved.  He speaks to them both directly, but in the one son who had been away, he also sends out helpers to show his love and mercy.  It is a great story about God's love, compassion and mercy for us.  As this is the time of Lenten reflection, how do we continue as His people?  Our catechism classes today were planned carefully so that the lessons of forgiveness and mercy toward others for the sake of God were high lighted.  In our parish each month a different Work of Mercy is highlighted.  This month it is Bearing Wrongs Patiently and a poster has been made to high light what it means and how we can help.  The older posters hang near the entrance to the church.  As the children walked past the one for Feeding the Homeless, and saw the photos from the shelter of the kids and adults in need, they wanted to help, and so today the second half of the class was dedicated to making food for tomorrow.  Tomorrow the food prepared by the children will be taken by volunteers at our parish to the shelter to provide a hot meal to those who have no home. 

The Point:  God forgives us our sins because he loves us so much.  In his mercy he cares for us in all we do.  We all have that spark of wanting to help others, no matter how young or old. That spark is God in us calling us to serve other through his love and mercy.

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