
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lk 13:1-9 Parable of the Fig Tree

(If your church is holding Scrutinies, the readings will be different.)

Today our catechism classes are learning about the parable of the fig tree that did not produce fruit, but the gardener asked if he could have a year to fertilize it that it may produce fruit.  Our lives are like the fig tree in the story.  As we do good works we grow and blossom.  However, if we remain closed up and refuse to grow, we wither and die.  The children will be working on a reflection where they will think about those things that they have done for others this past week, those things for their own needs, and those things done for others because they knew it was the right things to do, meaning for God's sake.  The other part of the reflection will include notes that other classes have made for them to encourage them in their Lenten journey. 

As we go through our day, in what ways are we helping ourselves to grow and blossom through the love of God's tender nurturing and feeding? 

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