
Friday, February 26, 2016

Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 The Master of the Vinyard

Pharisees and Sadducees surround Jesus to hear him preach.  What does Jesus present to them?  The allegory of the vineyard master to sends his servants and then his son to collect the rent from the wicked tenants.  Jesus' message is clear in Matthew:  The Pharisees and the Sadducees are those tenants. In reality the talk about having Jesus executed has already begun. 

Wait, what did Jesus say?  Those wicked tenants would be killed and the land rented to others?  Isn't God kind and loving?  Did Jesus really say that?  We could imagine the evangelist writing it down or others invented the story or embellished it to make it more dramatic.  Some people tend to do that to make themselves feel safe with the idea that God wouldn't do that, that he truly loves everyone. 

However, maybe it serves as a big red WARNING sign that hey, you should feel uncomfortable.  Be awake and aware of what you are doing.  One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is fear of the Lord (Timor Dei) and this is what Jesus is invoking in us.  Be on guard, think.  Act righteously.  How can Jesus' words help shake us up and help us get back on track? 

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