
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Matthew 20: 17-28 The Request of Salome

All three readings, the first reading, the Psalm, and the Gospel share being plotted against, and trapped.  The Psalm it the universal lament of mankind that occasionally feels the world is against us.  We are not to despair.  The Pslam encourages us,

"You will free me from the snare they set for me,
for you are my refuge.
Into your hands I commend my spirit;
you will redeem me, O LORD, O faithful God."

Jesus himself is being plotted against.  In the Gospel he tells the Apostles that he will be handed over and condemned to death. 

In the reading too we hear Mary Salome, a disciple of Jesus and mother of James and John, begging that Jesus let her sons sit at his left and right when Jesus came into his kingdom.  She does not yet fully understand what she is asking.  Jesus points that out to her.  Then Jesus asks the Apostles if they are able to drink from the chalice from which he is to drink.  This is an intimate ancient gesture that binds people.  Jesus tells them that they will also drink from the same cup.  Jesus reminds them that humility is to be practiced, that they ought not to lord over others: that the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and that it is not for him to decide who is placed at his right and at his left in the Heavenly Kingdom.  That is the Father's role. 

And what of Mary called Salome?  She will come to understand as Christ is fully revealed to her as she stands with the Blessed Mother at the Crucifixion and is one of the women present at the tomb at the Resurrection. 

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