
Sunday, April 17, 2016

John 10:27-30 No One Can Take Away My Sheep from Me

Today's Gospel is short and succinct.   No one can take away from God those who belong to God.  Christ Jesus also reiterates to relationship between the Father and the Son, they are one, just as the Holy Spirit and the Father are one, and the Holy Spirit and the Son are one.  These are two powerful thoughts in today's reading.  They should be reflected upon.

A young man preparing for Confirmation was speaking with me and asked, "If God loves us so much, why do we suffer?"  He pulled out the example from the book of Job, where God and the Devil are speaking, and God allows the Devil to harm first the prosperity of Job, then Job's family, then Job himself.  "Is there a point that God was trying to make?" I asked.  The young man was quiet for a few minutes.  "Well, he was proving that no matter what those who love Him won't lose faith in him, no matter how bad things get."  "Okay, If that is the case, what reward does God promise those who remain in him?"  "God rewards them abundantly and even more than they had before, either in this life or the next."  "Can you think of Saints who went through something similar?"  "Oh yeah," the young man said, "They are our modern day Jobs.  They definitely get rewards in Heaven.  I see your point." 

God loves us, and loves us abundantly.

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