
Thursday, April 7, 2016

John 3:31-36

Earth and heaven.  They are as distinct from each other as night and day.  The earth is finite, limited.  The heavens on the other hand expand forever, encompass all things, touch all things, reach down to the earth and connect with it, hold it, and hold the possibility for life on the earth within it.  The same can be said of God and the way that he connects with the earth, in his infinite love and mercy.  Heaven is supreme because God is omnipotent. 

Our Gospel tells us, “The one who comes from above is above all.  The one who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things.”  The Son came for us.  His origin was heaven itself.  He was given authority over all things.  The prophets testify to that as well.  Christ is the Divine Envoy, and his words are the words of God.  The total revelation of God is delivered by him because God does not want the Spirit to be limited in measure to the Word Incarnate, but poured forth so that we might receive the mercy of salvation and grace through Christ.  “The father loves the son and has given everything over to him.  Whomever believes in the son has eternal life.

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