
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

John 12:44-50 I am the Light of the World

Today's reading is a small section of a larger portion of what Jesus is saying.  Isolated like this, we start to ask ourselves, when are the times that I might not obey the Lord, even though I have heard his message?  Do I still fight with my spouse?  Do I not perform my best at work because I hate my job?  Do I waste my time in my retirement?  These are questions that we should ask ourselves.  Every one of us is human.  Jesus understands that because although he is divine, he is also fully human.  Let us use his words today as a challenge to stay on the path that leads to salvation through him.  Let us allow ourselves to see Christ as the Light we need in this often dark, cold, and self-centered world.  Let us ask ourselves too, what can I do today to bring a little of his light to those around me?

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