
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

John 15:1-8 I am the true vine.

It is still spring. In the winter the fruit trees and grapes were trimmed.  Now they are laden with young fresh fruit that will hopefully grow and mature into sweet fruit when fully ripened.  Even from now until then there are so many things that can happen.  If there is a shortage of water, the fruit will wither.  Without netting the birds will come down and eat parts of it destroying the fruit by causing it to rot on the vine or tree.  There are so many things. 

In today's Gospel Jesus reminds us that he is the true vine.  His Father is the vine grower who prunes us so that we as the branches may produce more abundant fruit.  As the vine, Jesus provides us with the nutrients, that nourishment that we need, and the life giving water that pours forth into the fruit that we produce.  The Father will protect us just as a good vine grower does, walking beside us, sitting with us, talking to us as we grow, and watching how our fruit takes shape to benefit others because of his tender care, and yet we too are strengthened by him.  God is good!  All the time!

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