
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

John 2: 22-35 Fifth day of the Octive of Christmas

Simeon is derived from a Hebrew word meaning "to listen" or "to hear".  Simeon, a righteous and devout man, has heard what the Lord God has told him through the Holy Spirit. He understands what it is the Lord is saying in this Child that Mary and Joseph are bringing to the temple.  We also have a wonderful example of Mary and Joseph following the Laws of God.  It is a reminder that Jesus did not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it.  Simeon gives us the knowledge that here is the one who will bring salvation to the people:
“Lord, now let your servant go in peace;
your word has been fulfilled:
my own eyes have seen the salvation
which you prepared in the sight of every people,
a light to reveal you to the nations
and the glory of your people Israel.”

We also receive the foreshadowing of the suffering to come in order for God's mercy to be fulfilled through Christ.  May we be eternally grateful that the Lord our God so loves us:
“Behold, this child is destined
for the fall and rise of many in Israel,
and to be a sign that will be contradicted
(and you yourself a sword will pierce)
so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

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