In today's Gospel Matthew gives us a classic turning upside down of the norm. Paraphrasing, Jesus says that none born is greater than John the Baptist, in the paradigm shift, he says the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than John. What is Jesus driving at?
What he says is truly humbling all the way around. Why should we let our pride get the best of us? John the Baptist was a prophet who wandered the desert eating wild honey and locust before he was jailed and beheaded. The least in the kingdom would be born in a cave without a home, would serve others with mercy and love for all, would be arrested in hate, scourged, tormented while forced to carry the beam and finally crucified among jeers. The least was greater than John the Baptist. He was greatest in obedience and patience through his love and mercy. We are called to let go our pride as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. When we do things for others are we truly doing it out of love and mercy, or is it merely our pride dressed up as mercy? St. Francis de Sales warned against the kind of pride that makes the poor "hate you for the very bread that you give them." Let us examine our hearts as we prepare for the coming of Christ.
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