
Friday, December 11, 2015

Matthew 11:16-19

The university is rife with arrogant intellectuals who often think they are God's answer for the world.  This is a generalization of course, but one that for many is true.  Those feelings seem to seep into the students too who are often very opinionated and don't like to listen to others.  It makes discussion difficult as they are not willing to look at other perspectives.  They value themselves on their own self importance.  They look down on others and judge them by their intellectual understanding of math, science, refinement, and general intellectual excellence.  It is rare to find students on campus with a good moral compas.  Those who do fall into the category of having morals are often shunned, at least in the USA, because they are the 'downers' the ones who ruin the 'fun' of others by asking the difficult questions of whether their friends think what they are doing is truly right, truly just.

We see this same sort of thing in today's reading as Jesus reflects upon the generation.  The generation is so sophisticated and caught up in their own superiority, they are missing the picture.  Jesus tells us, "Wisdom is vindicated by her works."  He is encouraging us to stay our course and continue to follow our moral compass for we are showing wisdom in doing so, and in God's mercy will be vindicated. 

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