
Friday, December 4, 2015

Matthew 9:27-31

In today's Gospel two blind men are following Jesus begging for his mercy and pity.  Jesus asks them, "Do you believe that I can do this?"

This Advent season we are preparing ourselves to receive Christ as the hope of the world.  Do we believe that he can do this?  Faith is a gift of God the Father through the Holy Spirit.  Christ Jesus stands knocking at the door of our hearts ready to lead us through the gates of eternal life should we seek him.  For those who follow Jesus as the blind men did, seeking to see the eternal Kingdom, the Lord will reveal it "according to your faith."  For these men, their eyes were opened. 

Jesus warns them, "See that no one knows about this."  We are told that "they went our and spread the word of him through all the land."   Did they miss the point?  When we receive a gift, do we focus solely on the gift, or the giver?  Perhaps that is Jesus is really warning of overlooking the One, The Father in Heaven, who has given them the ability to see and to attain the Kingdom and its eternal life, by instead focusing on the fact that Jesus has restored their sight.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Let us focus on that as we prepare to meet the coming of Christ this Christmas.