
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Luke 1:26-38 Feast of the Immaculate Conception

St. Luke knew Mary, Jesus' mother. Today's Gospel reading is an intimate look backward at her life.  Through God's Divine Mercy the Angel Gabriel came to Mary.  "Don't be afraid," he says,  "Hail, full of grace!"  Her soul was spotless and not stained by original sin at her immaculate conception, because the Grace of God was with her, purifying her, allowing her to become the future Theotokos. She is the new Eve, foretold in Genesis 3:15.  Unlike Eve, Mary is greater, for she is holy through her participation in God's plan of salvation for mankind. 

The Angel Gabriel explains that she will have a son "called holy."  We are all adopted sons and daughters of God like Adam and Eve.  Just as Mary is the new Eve, Jesus is the new Adam. Mary's child, is different and set apart because he is holy. He is the "Son of God."  The Angel offers her a sign that he is telling the truth.  He tells her that Elizabeth, her cousin, is expecting a baby, so she can check the veracity of his statements as a sign from God.  (Infant mortality was high and so people didn't celebrate the birth of a child, instead they threw an enormous party when the child turned one-year-old.  Mary wouldn't know that Elizabeth was expecting and specifically in her sixth month.)  Mary is obedient and gives praise to God.  We are called to do the same this Advent season as we prepare the coming of the Lord, Our Savior, in this Year of Divine Mercy.

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