
Monday, December 14, 2015

Matthew 21:23-27

A Star Shall Advance from Jacob (from my reflection journal)
Together we are all preparing for the coming of Christ.  Yesterday's message focused on what John the Baptist’s teaching on preparing for Christ.  John calls us to share what we have with others.  At a catechism class I taught some kids talked about how their families have too much stuff and how they could give some things to thrift shops.  An aide came through our room at one point and we used him as an example how we can share out time with others.  That got the kids excited because as we talked they realized they could share themselves with the baby Jesus. The children also understood that John calls us to be honest.  I am proud of them for that. Because Jesus is the Truth being dishonest makes us not ready to be in Christ’s presence.  These children are very good teachers!  When we discussed taking more that we ought, the kids recognized that immediately. For them this is the most difficult thing.  They call ‘hogging.’  Someone reminded everyone that the way to not be a hog is to share.  If these are some lessons on the path to Christ, then by whose authority do they come? 

In today’s Gospel the priests and the elders demand to know by what authority Jesus is teaching, and who gave him authority.  It is ironic to us because we recognize Jesus as the Christ who is teaching about God the Father, while these priests and elders whose focus is supposed to be on heavenly things are asking him about earthly matters.  They couldn’t see the deeper, hidden picture. 

As the children reheard yesterday’s Gospel story they had a picture in front of them.  Within that picture were hidden pictures that they had to find.  The activity helped them understand that what we see could have a deeper meaning.  Have you ever been to care facility and seen a young person with a patient?  Have you ever seen a woman with a newborn? Have you ever seen a man play with ball with kids?  What about someone praying to God quietly in church?  These are all things that are seen.  There is an invisible connection between the people in each, forming relationships, emotions: a deeper picture.  The priests and the elders only saw Jesus teaching. They missed the deeper pictures and the invisible connections. So Jesus asks them, where was John the Baptist from, “Was it of heavenly or human origin?”  Jesus was trying to refocus them and broaden their thoughts.  They feared saying John was from one or the other.  John had already told the crowds that he merely baptized in water, but one would come after him who would baptize with the Holy Spirit.  Could you imagine if they had the courage to acknowledge that one could come and be both of earthly and heavenly origin? 

Remember the Prophet Balaam’s words, prophesying about the God the Son that he would be king of kings, and “his royalty shall be exalted…a star shall advance from Jacob and a staff shall arise from Israel.” We await joyfully this Advent for the newborn king, the Good Shepherd who uses his staff to guide us.  Let us prepare with the steps John gives us.  Let us be mindful of sharing our love with others.  Let us follow the star to Christ, where we, like the little children, can share all of ourselves with Him.  We ask this in Christ’s name.  Amen.

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