
Saturday, January 2, 2016

John 1: 19-28

In  today's Gospel John the Baptist is directly asked who he is.  He has no pretense.  He knew they were asking if he was the Christ.  He was born to be a witness to the Truth.  "I am not the Christ."  But he was the one crying out, pointing to the light who was amongst their midst, that they could not see.  He was a focal point to show them the way to the Light.  He knew that he, like us, was unfit to tie the boot strap of the Just One, Christ the Lord, who was present to take away the sins of the world through his ocean of Mercy.

We are not gods, but mere mortals.  How tempting it is with technology and power at our fingertips to think that we can do anything we want.  How tempting it is to look past those in need, those who hunger, those who thirst for justice, those who need mercy and compassion.  I am reminded of Father Kolbe.  He was a Franciscan priest in the Auschwitz concentration camp in Germany during World War II.  He followed his vocation to the priesthood.  He followed Our Lady's direction in dedicating himself to the Lord.  He taught the multitudes to love the Truth and Life and spread the Kingdom of God throughout the lands.  Then when it was his time to receive the crown of martyrdom, he gave his life for Christ to save another "for greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for their brother" Jn 15:13.  Carnage was a daily part of life in that evil camp and his example almost went unnoticed, and yet through God's grace it didn't.  His courage and witness for the Truth planted that rich seed of hope and faith in those who watched and kept the experience of watching the events of Father Kolbe's life play out.  Through them echo his and their witness to the Mercy of God  shown through Father Kolbe.   Although not in the same way, we are each called to be witness to Christ through our love and compassion for each other.  We are called to do this by sharing time with each other, forgiving each other, and brining peace to others.  We are not worthy to tie the boot straps of the One who was sent, but we are called to obedience. 

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