
Monday, January 25, 2016

Mark 16: 15-18 Go Out to All the World

In today's Gospel we hear Jesus tell the eleven, "Go into the whole world  and proclaim the Gospel to every creature."  Several Christian sects do this very well.  Frequently we identify Jehovah's Witnesses in groups canvassing neighborhoods, or Mormons on their mission wearing their slacks and pressed white shirts usually on bicycles, both sects knocking on doors to spread the Good News.

What about Catholics?  In our Creed we affirm that we are "One, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church."  This means that we as Catholics are likewise being sent out into the world to bring the world into communion with God.  Christ was sent by God.  He tells us "As the Father has sent me, so I send you." (John 20:21)  He gave us the Holy Spirit to be with us and help us as we are sent out to spread that Good News.  As Catholics we are not confined to knocking on doors.  Instead we are reminded that the Good News is a path, a way of life we are to follow.  Let every action and word, though seemingly unimportant, be made part of your apostolic mission so that your very life becomes a living example of the Good News lived and example to others.  Saint Paul was a living example of how to do this.  Today we celebrate his conversion experience.  Let him be our guide in sharing the good news by our very lives. 

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