
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mark 6:34-44 God is Love

In today's Gospel we hear of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.  This is God's generosity, his bounty within the limitless Love that He is.  Saint John reiterates in his letter, "Beloved, let us love one another, because God is love...God sent his only-begotten son into the world so that we might have life through him.  In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins." (1 John 4:7-10)

Sometimes we forget that God is love or how much he loves us.  Sometimes we have someone we know and love who is sick and there is nothing that can be done to cure them.  Doctors think the person too old, or the condition too severe, and refuse further treatment.  Where is God then?  Where is his love in that?  Perhaps we are too narrowly focused and God's love is in our periphery view.  His love is there in the telephone calls from family and friends gathered around the one dying, in the comfort and care they give each other.  It is in the sadness the doctors feel for not being able to make the antibiotics work, or the frustration with the insurance companies denying treatments.  God's love is there too in his gift of time and the knowledge of how short we have together so that we can prepare ourselves and celebrate each passing moment as the treasure it is.  There is also the gift of mercy and hope in knowing that through God's love we may be reunited in the next life and spend an eternity of joy together. 

Perhaps the loaves and fishes are a metaphor for God's love, that he has given us each the gift of love and we must collect it from amongst ourselves.  As we share and pass it along the way, in the end we find that it will overflow and cannot be contained for the love that we share is greater than us all.

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