
Friday, January 8, 2016

Luke 5:12-16 Your Will Be Done

In today's Gospel Jesus is confronted by a man with leprosy.  The man acknowledged that Jesus was the Christ.  He asks for God's mercy to heal him,  but acknowledges that it should be God's will and not his own that needs to be done.  He is willing to continue suffering the leprosy if God so desires.  Jesus Christ tells him that it is his will that the man be healed, "I will do it.  Be made clean. 

We are called in this reading to be mindful as to whether we ask God's will be done in our lives, or if we demand that our will supersede that of God.  May we walk humbly always with the knowledge that God so loves us and is merciful.  May we put our trust in Him to allow his will be done in our lives, even if it means a continued suffering, or great healing.  Let us not forget to praise and adore him.

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