
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Mark 1:29-39

There are several aspects to this Bible story.  Many women I know lament the fate of Simon's mother-in-law thinking it so unfair, so let's address that.  We know that Jesus and the others have left the synagogue where Jesus was teaching.  that indicates the day of Sabbath, the Lord's day.  No one is to do work that day and food preparations would have to have been taken care of the day before.  Jesus with James and John visit their friends, Simon and Andrew.  Simon's mother-in-law lives with them.  We know that she has a fever.  If you can recall a loved one or yourself who have been sick, especially with a fever, you know how they are quiet, lethargic, and can't eat.  Noise can bother them, they can't read.  They just lay there languishing.  You worry about them and try to get liquids like chicken broth into them so that they do not become dehydrated.  There is always that fear that the temperature can become so great that either it or dehydration could cause death.

Simon and Andrew tell the Lord about her condition: they are in need of his help for her. There is a correlation between this aspect of the story and our own prayers for each other.  Note the words that are used to describe Jesus' actions, "He approached," "He grasped her hand," "He helped her up."  This is what our God does.  Do we not do these for those whom we love?  A love approaches his bride and will tenderly hold her hand.  This is God to us.  But when we are sick as we are with sin, he helps us up and raises us, which is demonstrated through Jesus' ministry as Jesus approaches, grasps her hand, and lifts her up.  When we are lifted up, we become healed.  Isn't it similar on the spiritual level when we are healed, our sins are forgiven?  For the mother-in-law, she was completely healed.  She had no more fever.  Her strength and energy were returned to her.  She was filled with joy at seeing her friends and receiving this gift.  This is her home.  How does she repay this kindness?  She desires to serve him as she is now able to do so.  This should be our desire too when the we are healed.  What better way to give thanks to our God for all his works, than to love and serve the Lord with all our whole self?  As soon as the Sabbath is over she opens her home so that jesus may do the same for others.

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