
Sunday, January 17, 2016

John 2:1-11 Called to the Wedding Feast

In today's reading we hear about the Wedding at Cana.  Many people are there including Mary, the disciples and Jesus.  It is a real event that took place, but it is also a metaphor for the Kingdom of God, the relationship between Christ and the church as spouses, and the invitation for all to come to the Heavenly Banquet.  In the reading, can you see how Jesus is the bridegroom?

Ask yourself, "Have I been to a wedding?"  What made it so special compared to an ordinary meal?  Why are weddings so important?  In our modern culture we are starting to see few weddings.  To those who are married and are joined together by God, it is because it is a union between two people a bride and a bridegroom, that is a reflection of Jesus Christ's relationship with the church.  This is why to many Christians the religious Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is so important. 

Do you recall the part about the wine?  Jesus changed the water into wine, it is a symbol to be reflected at his passion:  the image of the blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a font of mercy for us.  It is the image of the last supper when Jesus passes around the wine and tells his disciples, "Take and drink.  This is my blood which has been poured out for you for the forgiveness of sins."  O Lord, how truly grateful we are to you to receive this invitation to the Heavenly Banquet. 

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