
Monday, January 18, 2016

Mark 2:18-22 The Bridegroom Is with You

Yesterday we were invited to the Wedding Feast by the Lord.  Today the scribes are asking why Jesus and his disciples do not fast like John and his disciples do.  Jesus responds, "Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them?"  The answer is no, it would be an affront to not accept the hospitality offered by the bridegroom, almost an act of aggression. 

A class of 11-14 years olds yesterday were talking about Jesus as the bridegroom.  They discussed how the bridegroom throws the party after the wedding and how he provides the wine and other refreshments, making sure that all who are present are welcomed and comfortable.  They decided that yesterday's reading really showed that he was the bridegroom because he took that part and extended the invitation to each of us because we are all followers, his disciples, and he led his disciples to the feast. 

Could you imagine being called to a wedding where there was no welcome from the couple being married or their family, no celebration, no nothing?  It would be non existent and what was before would remain.  The kingdom isn't like that.  Jesus himself indicates that he is the bridegroom.  He has come in person to fulfill the prophesies.  He has come in person bringing with him a new covenant.  This is the meaning behind the old cloth being patched with the new cloth, or the old wine skin being patched with the new skin.  They old won't hold anymore, even with the patches.  God has extended to us a new, richer, deeper relationship with him through Christ Jesus.  We are called to accept that invitation and celebrate with him our communion.

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