
Friday, January 29, 2016

Mark 4:26-34 To What Shall I Liken the Kingdom of God?

Today we have two parables that describe the Kingdom of God.  The first is the farmer who can't explain why the seeds the has sown grow in his field and ripen before the harvest yet he checks on the field day and night and is amazed with its growth.  The second is the mustard seed, one of the smallest of the seeds that grows into a huge bush/tree where the birds find safe haven beneath it.

From these two parables we begin to infer that the Kingdom grows in ways that we cannot begin to understand, in places that we may or may not expect; that it is up to God.  The next thing that we begin to realize is that it, and we in our faith lives, will come to full fruition becoming fully ripe to the point when we are ready for the harvest, that judgement promised us by Christ.  The Kindom comes to us inconspicuously though it grows into something strong and lasting.  To it many flock and take refuge within it because of its enduring love and mercy.

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